Monday, December 31, 2007

Goodbye 2007!

I really had a great time this whole year . Well I hope that 2008 would be even better although I am not looking forward to face the A2 exams but life must go on. Sorry for not blogging for such a long time,I don't have enough time to blog. Blogging just very time consuming . Anyway the holidays were to short for me to enjoy anything to many things to do not to mention the amount of assignments those lecturers gave before the holidays.

Here are a few of my New Year Resolutions

1) Work hard to obtain all A- Not sure if thats possible

2)Exercise more- I think I am getting fat, Don't you?

3)Improve my handwritting- Mission Impossible, Somebody help me!!!!!

Tell me what should I improve. I don't know what to add on this list ! hahahaha ! Happy New Year anyway!